IHub-Data is a Section-8 Company established to achieve the goals established by DST (Department of Science & Technology) for NM-ICPS (National Mission for Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical Systems) program. IHub at IIIT Hyderabad is dedicated to enhancing national research and deploying solutions in Data Banks, Data Services and Data Analytics.

Mobility at IHub-Data aims to solve problems on Indian roads & driving conditions using data-driven technologies.

We invite project proposals on various aspects of two-wheeler mobility, preferably with an industry partner for commercialization. The Advanced Multimodal Research Vehicle developed by us at IIIT Hyderabad (https://mobility.iiit.ac.in/bodhyaan-2w/) can also be used for data acquisition during the project. Topics should involve the use of a two-wheeler multimodal sensing system.

Topics include:

  • Design of two-wheeler multimodal sensing systems
  • Sensor design, selection for specific applications
  • Dataset creation and analysis
  • Algorithms for the use of multimodal sensor data for:
    • Drive quality analysis
    • Vehicle condition analysis
    • Road condition analysis
    • Prediction of driver behavior

Project Duration Maximum 1 year
Project Budget Upto 10 Lakhs
  • The applicant(s) [Principal Investigator (PI) and Co-Principal Investigator(s) (Co-PI(s))] should be Indian citizens and must hold a regular academic/research position in a recognized academic institution or national laboratory or any other recognized R&D institution in India.
  • PI/Co-PI of projects (completed or ongoing) with Two-Wheeler Mobility Program at IHub, IIIT Hyderabad are not eligible to apply as PI. They can be Co-PIs in the proposal.
Proposal format & submission
Last Date 30th April 2024